quest for the perfect sock continues...Here is the new Balega Soft
Tread in this year's color: PURPLE. News flash----purple is the "it"
color for the coming seasons (who decides this stuff anyways?). My
awesome Balega rep Jordan Kinley hooked me up with a pair of these
yesterday during his visit to the new store. The socks are minimal but
with cushion in the important places--heel and forefoot. They have some
nice arch support and are left and right foot specific---notice the
perfect fit around my toe box. But that's not all---what sets this sock
apart from the others is a special cotton that has more spring, more
bounce, more rebound and thus gives the wearer a bit of something back
after hitting the ground. So multiply that by a thousand times for each
foot strike and you have a sock with magic.
How magical were they this morning at 5:00 am during my hill
repeats with the Greater Norwood Running Club crazies? Well, these
socks definitely made me lose count of my hills, they made me feel
pretty (purple does that) and I really felt connected to my shoes (thin
and breathable). Bounce, rebound, spring---too soon to tell. I will
need to take them for a nice long run on a sunny day.
Look for Balega Soft Tread on the sock wall at Charles River Running this June!